My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

27 January, 2006

Larry the Cable Guy is Wise

Yes he has the treasonous stars & bars on his hat, but his quote is probably what most of America thinks:

So you're not going to be sharing a pup tent up at Brokeback Mountain anytime soon? Even if the fishing's good up there?
Naw, I'm not going to go, because my a - -less chaps are still at the dry cleaners . . . You know, Hollywood cracks me up. They can't understand why people aren't going to movies anymore. . . . It's like, you know what? Maybe you don't need to have movies shoving gay themes down everybody's throat.
There's still a lot of people that have a family structure -- that are Mom and Dad; they're trying to raise kids, and they have a moral fiber behind them and they don't want to hear that crap, and that's still a majority of America. . . . they don't agree with that stuff.
I could care less who's gay: I don't care. If you want to be gay, God bless you. I'd rather hang out with a gay guy than Ted Kennedy any day.

Thanks to a great interview from Indy Star reporter Nick Crews. I will always support gay rights, but he hits the general American electoral dead on. Look at recent referendums in states like Missouri on gay rights. As wrong as they are, most people outside of Cape Cod agree with the Cable Guy on whom to hang out with.

1 comment:

Obob said...

forbin10 loves nancy pelosi