My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

26 January, 2006

Time To Go To Church

That' s it, everyone out of the pool. It is officially the end of the civilzation. Johnnie Cochran is having a school named after him .
LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles has renamed a public school after Johnnie Cochran, the
late criminal defense lawyer who helped clear “Trial of the Century” murder
defendant O.J. Simpson.

School district officials voted unanimously for
the name change Tuesday, saying Cochran, who attended the former Mt. Vernon
Middle School as a boy, was an “extraordinary, superb lawyer with movie-star
celebrity status.”

But the sister of Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown
Simpson, whom the former star football player and actor was charged with
stabbing and slashing to death, said she was stunned by the move.

Next, the F. Lee Bailey Driving School will open in a strip mall near you.

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