My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

29 January, 2006

Carson's possible competition

Recently I wrote that Rep Carson will have little, actually no competition in the upcoming election for her district. The "Queen", dubbed by Marion County Sheriff Frank Anderson who is a good man, may have a couple GOPers after her.
Matthew Tully from the Star this Sunday has mentioned two possible candidates, former City-County Councilman Ron Franklin or Eric Dickerson, a local businessman not the upright running back. Dickerson does own a car dealership, which gives the moral equivalence of most of the members of either House on the Hill. No I take that back, it may give him more scruples than the majority of the Beltway residents, including the press.
One tidbit, they are both black. This would break the past strategy of the recent cannon fodder sent to their political demise by the GOP. Another tidbit in relation to Franklin:

This has some people buzzing, because Franklin last made news in 2001, when he
pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of criminal recklessness, related to his
firing a handgun in public.

I find nothing wrong with this, unless you are on the wrong end of gravity. This actually led to the death of several residents of Kuwait at the end of the First Gulf War. This culturally insensitive charge clearly is a slam towards the freedom of expression shown in the recent Hamas victory.
Stay tuned kiddies, this could get fun

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