My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

04 January, 2006

Where are the educators of America?

The title of post may sound a little antagonistic, but really? I have been a teacher for a few years and
I am thoroughly amazed the education class in our country is not constantly attacking the Taliban and Islamofascist movement. Throughout history, totalitarian regimes butchered educators of all levels. Why do you think so many teachings of Confucius don't exist, previous dynasties burned them and killed the teachers. The Nazis burned books and sent teachers in oppressed countries to the infamous concentration camps. Al qaeda terrorists killed teachers in Iraq and little girls in Indonesia. Recently, the headmaster of a school in Afghanistan was beheaded in front of his family! He had girls at his school. Malim Abdul Habib was a teacher, a father, and a husband. But in eyes of every tyrant that has existed, he was a dangerous man. He allowed boys and girls to learn, to become thinkers and to possibly improve his country.
I am not an alarmist, just stating facts. Please remember and value this as you return to your classroom or your daily job, we are at war once again with people who hate freedom.
The picture you see is a Taliban troop transporter and a US missile helping those cowards meet Allah sooner, I do not think there will be 72 virgins waiting for them. Click the picture to get an enlarged view.

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