My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

28 January, 2006

please do

Cindy Sheehan Considering Senate Run
Saturday, January 28, 2006

CARACAS, Venezuela - Cindy Sheehan, the peace
activist who set up camp near President Bush's Texas ranch last summer, said
Saturday she is considering running against Sen. Dianne Feinstein to
protest what she called the California lawmaker's support for the war in Iraq.
"She voted for the war. She
continues to vote for the funding. She won't call for an immediate withdrawal of
the troops," Sheehan told The Associated Press in an interview while attending
the World Social
in Venezuela along with thousands of other anti-war and
anti-globalization activists.

I can see how this unfolds
  • Cindy gets her signatures, there are that many naive people in Cali
  • Cindy runs a "grassroots" campaign with the integrity rich support of leaders from Venezuela and Cuba.
  • Cindy gets her tail handed to her in the primaries, Feistein says "It was a noble effort, but the more sane moonbats voted for me."
  • Cindy runs on a Socialist ticket
  • Cindy gets a few votes on election, says the system is flawed. Finally has the month long couch trip she had needed before being exploited by the media, the left and anyone else with no shame

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