My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

24 January, 2006

Carson runs for 6th

U.S. Rep. Julia Carson plans to announce Wednesday she is seeking a sixth term in Congress.

The Indianapolis Democrat is one of 32 House members across the country who won in 2004 with less than 55 percent of the vote.
But Carson is not expected to be targeted by the Republican Party this year. No Democrat or Republican has filed to challenge her yet. The filing deadline is Feb. 17.
Carson, 67, has been dogged by health problems that caused her to miss nearly a third of House votes in 2004. But her attendance record improved to 93 percent last year, close to the average for the delegation.
Carson has voted with her party an average of 96 percent since 2001 and with President Bush and average of 20 percent, according to Congressional Quarterly.
Carson said she is "confident in my ability to represent Indiana in the United States Congress" and continues to believe "in the basic principles of our democracy: freedom and justice for all."
-- Maureen Groppe, Star Washington Bureau

Why will she run pretty much unopposed and has won 5 terms? These questions haunt the Indiana GOP.
I'll answer: When the state GOP plans thier celebration party by the miracle they would possibly defeat Carson, it's in a nice hotel or such.
Last election, Carson had her celebration party in her garage. Think about it. I may not agree with her, except her scolding of the city council on the failure to protect gay rights, but she is a very savy politico. The locals love her, unless you consistantly pull the other lever.

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