My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

23 January, 2006

Fan withdraws threat of lawsuit

Showing common sense and a little manhood, Michael Axelrod will not sue the Davis':
In a joint statement released Monday, Michael Axelrod and the Davises said: "It's clear that the episode at the United Center last week, and its aftermath, evolved from some misunderstandings. This has produced regrets from all parties involved. Common sense strongly suggests that we collectively put this episode behind us and move on. That's what the Davises and Michael Axelrod plan to do, and we hope everyone else will, as well."

I'm glad to see this is over, next time he'll mind his manners and be more respectful of a woman with her child.

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