My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

10 January, 2006

Just some good old boys ...

Kennedy is looking for lost bottle of Scotch and Biden trying to look like he may yell out at any minute, "I'm outta order, the whole system is outta order! Did that look good for my 08 spots?"
Round 1 Alito v Kennedy
KENNEDY: Now, in 1985, in your job application to the Justice Department, you wrote, "I believe very strongly in the supremacy of the elected branches of government." Those are your words, am I right?
ALITO: They are and that's a very inapt phrase.
KENNEDY: Excuse me?
ALITO: It's an inapt phrase, and I certainly didn't mean that literally at the time, and I wouldn't say that today.
The branches of government are equal. They have different responsibilities, but they are all equal and no branch is supreme to the other branches.
KENNEDY: So you've changed your mind?
ALITO: No, I haven't changed my mind, Senator, but the phrasing there is very misleading and incorrect.
What I was getting at is the fact that our Constitution gives the judiciary a particular role and there are instances in which it can override the judgments that are made by Congress and by the executive. But for the most part, our Constitution leaves it to the elected branches of government to make the policy decisions for our country.
KENNEDY: All right. I want to move on.

Damn, he just worked the old sot.

Then the worldly Biden from Delaware
BIDEN: But I should tell you now, I want to talk to you about, again, the real world here and, kind of, the effects test.

And so for me, Judge, where I still remaining somewhat puzzled is on whether or not you, whether it's applying the unitary executive standard and what you mean by that or whether it is the assertions made relative to how to look at discrimination cases, which are difficult, you seem to come down -- I'm not associating myself with the studies done -- I don't know enough to know whether they're correct or not -- by Cass Sunstein and others; I don't disagree with them.

So he really doesn't know enough, but enough to try and "cut" him? Please, Alito's from Jersey, Biden has been in the Beltway so long, he's forgotten that there are people in the flyover states. His continual posturing to make the feeble attempt to attack Alito is as frightening as his arrogance. Pathetic.

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