My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

27 January, 2006

Turn out the lights, party's over

I may seem rather ... negative towards the ingrates that infest the democratic party. And currently, the ingrates are either:
selfrightous windbags: ted "two drink minimum kennedy or joe "my voice sounds better than yours Judge Alito" biden
the "You see that flash of light in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear." reps: harry reid or dick durbin.
Then there are the tragic souls who lives are shattered by an event, they never recover and try to live in the past, john kerry. The jfk wanna be in kerry is screaming alike a little girl for a filibuster on Alito. With no respect for decorum nor tradition, look up how polite the Republicans were to Justice Ginsburg, they want to block his nomination with a futile filibuster to get some street cred with the hard core left who have also infested the party and set it back a for a few national elections.
This little piece by is very foreboding tot eh winds of change about to sweep the democrats. Two of my favorite bits are
Long-smoldering Democratic dissension flared openly Friday as liberals sought support for a last-minute filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito against the advice of leaders worried about a backlash in the 2006 elections.

Reid announced he would side with Alito's critics on Monday, though on Thursday he had made clear his unhappiness with their strategy. "There has been adequate time for people to debate," he had said Thursday. "I hope this matter will be resolved without too much more talking."

That first spells the doom for the democrats should they follow through with this highly recommended suicide maneuver. The second shows a shocking amount of fear resonating through reid's voice.
All praise the mighty god of pride and may kerry and kennedy continue to lay prostrate in humility.

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