My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

08 January, 2006

bug bug for the fun of it!

I would have to say, the most frustrating piece of news recently, is the whole bugging fiasco. Let me get this straight: bad guys are using electroinic equipment, e-mail to cell phones, to plot the destruction of my family. And some democrats and liberals who have thier panties in a bind because they feel unsafe? Really?
What kind of flipping moron really buys into the crap we have to play ball? We should be setting the rules of the game not allowing the terrorists to do so. A friendly reminder the 36% who feel the NSA should not be allowed to intercept phone calls of suspected terrorists, who do you really care about? The rights of someone who wants to kill your family or your family? If you have to even think about it, either use a condom at all times or you should have in the first. And before I get a comment saying how insensitive I am, bugger off, your opinion right matters little. But unlike the child murderers in countless carbombings, I will always support your right to it. Yes they are more than willing to kill "soft" targets, innocents.
An example of our success by Mark Steyn of the Sunt Times in U.S. shouldn't have to do tap dance over bugging:
This isn't a hypothetical situation. Consider Iyman Faris, a naturalized American citizen also known as Mohammad Rauf and nailed by U.S. intelligence through the interception of foreign-U.S. communications. He was convicted in 2003 for doing the legwork on an al Qaida scheme to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. A "hardworking truck driver," he was introduced to Osama bin Laden while enjoying a well-earned vacation at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan in 2000. At the request of bin Laden's aides, he researched the terrorist possibilities of "ultralight" aircraft. In 2002, he was commissioned by al Qaida to return to America and procure the materials for severing suspension-bridge cables and derailing trains.

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