My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

02 January, 2006

Finally, the drop kick has returned!

The mighty Doug Flutie has finally proven to be a real "old school" playa! I remember watching him complete the legendary Hail Mary pass versus Miami in my Grandpa Don's basement eons ago. But he completed a drop kick Sunday, the first time since 1941. The ex-Bear completed the kick last done by a Bear, oddly enough. Plus, how often can you hear some one refer to the offensive line as "giddy?"
''The offensive line was giddy, they were coming up to the line saying, 'Watch this! watch this!' " Holliday said.

All in all, if this is how Flutie ends his career, well done. If I find it online, I'll post it.

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