My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

28 January, 2006

Better Written Than I

There has been quite a bit written by the a journalist of question named joel stein. He wrote a rather inflammatory piece calling out our troops and his lack of support for thier courage. I'm not going to call him names or belittle as much as he has done upon himself already, I've seen more mature articles written from confiscated notes in my classroom. But I read the great and wise Ben Stein's piece from the American Spectator, compliments of my morning read. Here is a profound summary that echos the sentiment of the vast majority of Americans.
Do I support men and women who are fighting Nazis who call themselves insurgents
or Islamic militants? Do I support men and women who offer up their lives to
fight the very same terrorists who killed three thousand totally guiltless
Americans on 9/11? Do I support the troops who have more moral decency in their
toes than I do or anyone I know does in our whole bodies? I support them, pray
for them, am humbled just to be on the same planet with them. With every morning
I wake up, every meal I eat, every walk I take in freedom, every night I sleep
in peace, I ask God to look after the men and women who guard the ramparts of
this blessed island of peace and decency called America. Without them, we would
be nothing. Without them, Joel Stein would have his head sawed off. Saints in
armor is what I call them and what they are. They are God's gifts to a wayward

I now have a link to his website.

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