My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

02 January, 2006

Chairman Mao would be proud

Like many people, I was not iniatially thrilled about China getting the Olympic nod. But then I thought about it, what does the Olympics bring, besides revenue? Journalists. Yes, the little critters that poke and prod and ask questions that matter, unless they work for certain tabloid shows, the Today show is included in that clump. Now we remember the massacre in Tienaman Square, see picture, and how the Chinese government tried to suppress as many facts as possible; it'll be a lot harder to suppress facts with "capitalist renegade" journalists in the countryside. Throw in the chance a couple gonzo wannabes will be jailed for not following thier state directed protocal, and a one bull has entered the China shop.
All this time, another bull has been pacing outside the shop waiting to get in and make itself known, he could be from rural China, the southern provinces(site of current masssacre) or a very restless student body yearning for real freedom. A great article by Joshua Muldavin mentions this "other" bull pacing and getting very pissed to say the least.
So lets see how this develops, the Kyoto Treaty ducking Chinese are going to learn if they want to be a player, they better respect the game.

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