My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

21 January, 2006

AD was right to go into the stands

Antonio Davis of the dreaded New York Knickerbockers has been suspended for 5 games because he went into the stands to protect his wife. That is the jist of it. Some second rate Bulls fan of a Chicago democrat fundraiser shot off his mouth,
Michael Axelrod is the son of David Axelrod, a well-known Democratic political
consultant who has worked with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and U.S. Sen.
Barack Obama (D-Ill.)

a woman got in his face and he forgot his role. The role of a man is to curb yourself when a woman with her child asks to watch your language, he did not. He acted in manner AD thought was threatening to his wife, so he approached him. They do not owe him an apology, they do not need to send money to a charity on his behalf, the second rate schmuck, Axelrod, needs to be a man and say it's done and walk away remembering the lesson.
When AD played for the Pacers back in the 90 he was what he still is, a class act. He was one of my favorite players and like many of the Pacer Nation, regretted his departure. So when this little pipsqueak shoots of his mouth, enough to cause his wife to get in his face, then Axelrod cries like a little girl, I still have his back. I remember when Vernon Maxwell went into the stand s and struck a player for making rude comments about his dead child, the fan deserved far worse.
So my point is, it takes the son of a prominant democrat to point out our lack of accoutablilty. Of course the democrats are a party that lacks accountablilty, look to its fabled icon, slick willy.

1 comment:

Perry Eidelbus said...

Well said. I'm not really a basketfall fan, let alone a Davis fan, but I have a lot of respect now for the guy as having honor. Rules or no rules, he saw his wife being threatened, and he was going to defend her himself. What was Davis going to do, rely on security, who took a few minutes to arrive? Would he chance that other people would defend his wife against someone who could possibly cause real harm to her?

The fan got a good lawyer. I'm more inclined to dismiss his claims as just another attempt to turn the tables on the victim, especially since it curiously took a day for his supposedly "real" story to come out.