My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

31 January, 2006

30 January, 2006

It's like a train wreck, I can't avert my eyes

If my wife ever wants me to roll over in bed, all she has to say is Rachel Ray. She may quirky and cute, but she is birth control to me. Then why am I posting these pictures of her?

29 January, 2006

Carson's possible competition

Recently I wrote that Rep Carson will have little, actually no competition in the upcoming election for her district. The "Queen", dubbed by Marion County Sheriff Frank Anderson who is a good man, may have a couple GOPers after her.
Matthew Tully from the Star this Sunday has mentioned two possible candidates, former City-County Councilman Ron Franklin or Eric Dickerson, a local businessman not the upright running back. Dickerson does own a car dealership, which gives the moral equivalence of most of the members of either House on the Hill. No I take that back, it may give him more scruples than the majority of the Beltway residents, including the press.
One tidbit, they are both black. This would break the past strategy of the recent cannon fodder sent to their political demise by the GOP. Another tidbit in relation to Franklin:

This has some people buzzing, because Franklin last made news in 2001, when he
pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of criminal recklessness, related to his
firing a handgun in public.

I find nothing wrong with this, unless you are on the wrong end of gravity. This actually led to the death of several residents of Kuwait at the end of the First Gulf War. This culturally insensitive charge clearly is a slam towards the freedom of expression shown in the recent Hamas victory.
Stay tuned kiddies, this could get fun

28 January, 2006

please do

Cindy Sheehan Considering Senate Run
Saturday, January 28, 2006

CARACAS, Venezuela - Cindy Sheehan, the peace
activist who set up camp near President Bush's Texas ranch last summer, said
Saturday she is considering running against Sen. Dianne Feinstein to
protest what she called the California lawmaker's support for the war in Iraq.
"She voted for the war. She
continues to vote for the funding. She won't call for an immediate withdrawal of
the troops," Sheehan told The Associated Press in an interview while attending
the World Social
in Venezuela along with thousands of other anti-war and
anti-globalization activists.

I can see how this unfolds
  • Cindy gets her signatures, there are that many naive people in Cali
  • Cindy runs a "grassroots" campaign with the integrity rich support of leaders from Venezuela and Cuba.
  • Cindy gets her tail handed to her in the primaries, Feistein says "It was a noble effort, but the more sane moonbats voted for me."
  • Cindy runs on a Socialist ticket
  • Cindy gets a few votes on election, says the system is flawed. Finally has the month long couch trip she had needed before being exploited by the media, the left and anyone else with no shame

Better Written Than I

There has been quite a bit written by the a journalist of question named joel stein. He wrote a rather inflammatory piece calling out our troops and his lack of support for thier courage. I'm not going to call him names or belittle as much as he has done upon himself already, I've seen more mature articles written from confiscated notes in my classroom. But I read the great and wise Ben Stein's piece from the American Spectator, compliments of my morning read. Here is a profound summary that echos the sentiment of the vast majority of Americans.
Do I support men and women who are fighting Nazis who call themselves insurgents
or Islamic militants? Do I support men and women who offer up their lives to
fight the very same terrorists who killed three thousand totally guiltless
Americans on 9/11? Do I support the troops who have more moral decency in their
toes than I do or anyone I know does in our whole bodies? I support them, pray
for them, am humbled just to be on the same planet with them. With every morning
I wake up, every meal I eat, every walk I take in freedom, every night I sleep
in peace, I ask God to look after the men and women who guard the ramparts of
this blessed island of peace and decency called America. Without them, we would
be nothing. Without them, Joel Stein would have his head sawed off. Saints in
armor is what I call them and what they are. They are God's gifts to a wayward

I now have a link to his website.

27 January, 2006

Turn out the lights, party's over

I may seem rather ... negative towards the ingrates that infest the democratic party. And currently, the ingrates are either:
selfrightous windbags: ted "two drink minimum kennedy or joe "my voice sounds better than yours Judge Alito" biden
the "You see that flash of light in the corner of your eye? That's your career dissipation light. It just went into high gear." reps: harry reid or dick durbin.
Then there are the tragic souls who lives are shattered by an event, they never recover and try to live in the past, john kerry. The jfk wanna be in kerry is screaming alike a little girl for a filibuster on Alito. With no respect for decorum nor tradition, look up how polite the Republicans were to Justice Ginsburg, they want to block his nomination with a futile filibuster to get some street cred with the hard core left who have also infested the party and set it back a for a few national elections.
This little piece by is very foreboding tot eh winds of change about to sweep the democrats. Two of my favorite bits are
Long-smoldering Democratic dissension flared openly Friday as liberals sought support for a last-minute filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito against the advice of leaders worried about a backlash in the 2006 elections.

Reid announced he would side with Alito's critics on Monday, though on Thursday he had made clear his unhappiness with their strategy. "There has been adequate time for people to debate," he had said Thursday. "I hope this matter will be resolved without too much more talking."

That first spells the doom for the democrats should they follow through with this highly recommended suicide maneuver. The second shows a shocking amount of fear resonating through reid's voice.
All praise the mighty god of pride and may kerry and kennedy continue to lay prostrate in humility.

Larry the Cable Guy is Wise

Yes he has the treasonous stars & bars on his hat, but his quote is probably what most of America thinks:

So you're not going to be sharing a pup tent up at Brokeback Mountain anytime soon? Even if the fishing's good up there?
Naw, I'm not going to go, because my a - -less chaps are still at the dry cleaners . . . You know, Hollywood cracks me up. They can't understand why people aren't going to movies anymore. . . . It's like, you know what? Maybe you don't need to have movies shoving gay themes down everybody's throat.
There's still a lot of people that have a family structure -- that are Mom and Dad; they're trying to raise kids, and they have a moral fiber behind them and they don't want to hear that crap, and that's still a majority of America. . . . they don't agree with that stuff.
I could care less who's gay: I don't care. If you want to be gay, God bless you. I'd rather hang out with a gay guy than Ted Kennedy any day.

Thanks to a great interview from Indy Star reporter Nick Crews. I will always support gay rights, but he hits the general American electoral dead on. Look at recent referendums in states like Missouri on gay rights. As wrong as they are, most people outside of Cape Cod agree with the Cable Guy on whom to hang out with.

26 January, 2006

Time To Go To Church

That' s it, everyone out of the pool. It is officially the end of the civilzation. Johnnie Cochran is having a school named after him .
LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles has renamed a public school after Johnnie Cochran, the
late criminal defense lawyer who helped clear “Trial of the Century” murder
defendant O.J. Simpson.

School district officials voted unanimously for
the name change Tuesday, saying Cochran, who attended the former Mt. Vernon
Middle School as a boy, was an “extraordinary, superb lawyer with movie-star
celebrity status.”

But the sister of Simpson’s ex-wife, Nicole Brown
Simpson, whom the former star football player and actor was charged with
stabbing and slashing to death, said she was stunned by the move.

Next, the F. Lee Bailey Driving School will open in a strip mall near you.

24 January, 2006

Carson runs for 6th

U.S. Rep. Julia Carson plans to announce Wednesday she is seeking a sixth term in Congress.

The Indianapolis Democrat is one of 32 House members across the country who won in 2004 with less than 55 percent of the vote.
But Carson is not expected to be targeted by the Republican Party this year. No Democrat or Republican has filed to challenge her yet. The filing deadline is Feb. 17.
Carson, 67, has been dogged by health problems that caused her to miss nearly a third of House votes in 2004. But her attendance record improved to 93 percent last year, close to the average for the delegation.
Carson has voted with her party an average of 96 percent since 2001 and with President Bush and average of 20 percent, according to Congressional Quarterly.
Carson said she is "confident in my ability to represent Indiana in the United States Congress" and continues to believe "in the basic principles of our democracy: freedom and justice for all."
-- Maureen Groppe, Star Washington Bureau

Why will she run pretty much unopposed and has won 5 terms? These questions haunt the Indiana GOP.
I'll answer: When the state GOP plans thier celebration party by the miracle they would possibly defeat Carson, it's in a nice hotel or such.
Last election, Carson had her celebration party in her garage. Think about it. I may not agree with her, except her scolding of the city council on the failure to protect gay rights, but she is a very savy politico. The locals love her, unless you consistantly pull the other lever.

23 January, 2006

Fan withdraws threat of lawsuit

Showing common sense and a little manhood, Michael Axelrod will not sue the Davis':
In a joint statement released Monday, Michael Axelrod and the Davises said: "It's clear that the episode at the United Center last week, and its aftermath, evolved from some misunderstandings. This has produced regrets from all parties involved. Common sense strongly suggests that we collectively put this episode behind us and move on. That's what the Davises and Michael Axelrod plan to do, and we hope everyone else will, as well."

I'm glad to see this is over, next time he'll mind his manners and be more respectful of a woman with her child.

22 January, 2006

Spoon always quoted this before coming after me ...

Memorable Quotes from
Billy Jack (1971)

[Billy Jack is surrounded by Posner's thugs]
Mr. Posner: You really think those Green Beret Karate tricks are gonna help you against all these boys?
Billy Jack: Well, it doesn't look to me like I really have any choice now, does it?
Mr. Posner: [laughing] That's right, you don't.
Billy Jack: You know what I think I'm gonna do then? Just for the hell of it?
Mr. Posner: Tell me.
Billy Jack: I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face...
[points to Posner's right cheek]
Billy Jack: ...and you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it.
Mr. Posner: Really?
Billy Jack: Really.
[kicks Posner's right cheek, sending him to the ground]

21 January, 2006

Setting the Tone

I really like what Karl Rove had to say about the democrats and Republicans in a recent speech. First he stated the obvious:
"At the core, we are dealing with two parties that have fundamentally different views on national security," Rove said. "Republicans have a post-9/11 worldview and many Democrats have a pre-9/11 worldview. That doesn't make them unpatriotic -- not at all. But it does make them wrong -- deeply and profoundly and consistently wrong."

I think what really irked the dems about this statement is he is right. No one says the dems aren't patrioitc, but thier party ideology and rethirc does not show any solutions for portecting America. I loved it when kerry pointed out how unsecure our waterfronts are, brillant.
Rove referred only indirectly to the corruption issue, warning Republicans against becoming complacent in power. "The GOP's progress during the last four decades is a stunning political achievement," he said. "But it is also a cautionary tale of what happens to a dominant party -- in this case the Democrat Party -- when its thinking becomes ossified, when its energy begins to drain, when an entitlement mentality takes over, and when political power becomes an end in itself rather than a means to achieve the common good."

The Republicans have to realize the democrats are petty and shrill lot who will stoop to any low to push thier agenda, the Alito hearings are a prime example. And power can be a lethal selfinflicted wound if not kept in check.
I do hope the Republicans are serious about purging the ranks as Mehlman hinted in his quote:
Calling for the vigorous prosecution of any wrongdoing, Mehlman sought to insulate his party from the spreading scandal involving lobbyist Jack Abramoff, the indictment of former House majority leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and the guilty plea of former representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.). "If Republicans are guilty of illegal or inappropriate behavior," Mehlman said, "then they should pay the price and they should suffer the consequences."

AD was right to go into the stands

Antonio Davis of the dreaded New York Knickerbockers has been suspended for 5 games because he went into the stands to protect his wife. That is the jist of it. Some second rate Bulls fan of a Chicago democrat fundraiser shot off his mouth,
Michael Axelrod is the son of David Axelrod, a well-known Democratic political
consultant who has worked with Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley and U.S. Sen.
Barack Obama (D-Ill.)

a woman got in his face and he forgot his role. The role of a man is to curb yourself when a woman with her child asks to watch your language, he did not. He acted in manner AD thought was threatening to his wife, so he approached him. They do not owe him an apology, they do not need to send money to a charity on his behalf, the second rate schmuck, Axelrod, needs to be a man and say it's done and walk away remembering the lesson.
When AD played for the Pacers back in the 90 he was what he still is, a class act. He was one of my favorite players and like many of the Pacer Nation, regretted his departure. So when this little pipsqueak shoots of his mouth, enough to cause his wife to get in his face, then Axelrod cries like a little girl, I still have his back. I remember when Vernon Maxwell went into the stand s and struck a player for making rude comments about his dead child, the fan deserved far worse.
So my point is, it takes the son of a prominant democrat to point out our lack of accoutablilty. Of course the democrats are a party that lacks accountablilty, look to its fabled icon, slick willy.

18 January, 2006

16 January, 2006

Not just a day off

Although his "I Have A Dream" speech is considered a high point of his crusade, remember the prize and far we still have to go.

15 January, 2006

Did Anybody Ask Her About the Alito Hearings?

Merry Belated Christmas Hitch

Galloway loses respect with cat charade
By Richard Alleyne and Lucy Shaw
(Filed: 14/01/2006)

George Galloway plumbed new depths when he pretended to be a cat as part of a task set for him during his appearance on the television show Celebrity Big Brother.

The Repect Party MP, who last year lambasted the United States Senate over the war in Iraq, crouched on all fours, purring and licking imaginary milk from the hands of the actress Rula Lenska.

George Galloway pretends to be a cat while Rula Lenska strokes him
She then rubbed the "cream" from his "whiskers" and stroked his head and behind his ears before he put his head on her lap.

Mr Galloway, 51, faced an immediate backlash from residents of his Bethnal Green and Bow constituency, east London, who voted for him last May.

He further angered conservative Muslims, who make up the bulk of his support, when he told his housemates, including glamour models, entertainers and minor pop stars, that his favourite pursuits were sex and sunbathing.

James Sibthorp, 47, who runs a cab company in the constituency, said: "It is an insult to local people that we've got our MP acting like a fool pretending to be a cat. I hope he stays in there even longer so that people realise who they have voted for - a self-publicist with a big ego."

Monir Ali, 50, a tailor, said: "I think a lot of people are regretting voting for him. A man of his importance should not be on a programme like that."

Hilary Armstrong, the Labour Party's chief whip, who visited the area yesterday, said the cat incident had made her "cringe".

She said that Mr Galloway had missed vital votes and debates, particularly on the Crossrail scheme and renovation of a hospital, which would affect his constituents.

John Biggs, a member of the Greater London Authority Assembly, said: "Big Brother is full of media people with failing careers making one desperate throw to get back on the stage. Does that apply to George? I'll leave that up to viewers."

Ron McKay, Mr Galloway's spokesman, said he wished the cat episode "had not happened" and claimed that the MP had been misled by the programme makers. Rob Hoveman, the MP's parliamentary assistant, said: "It is outrageous that they have censored his views. He is going to have to work hard to win back credibility."

The show's producer Peter Bazalgette denied that Mr Galloway was being censored.

He said that broadcasting rules on political balance meant that Mr Galloway's thoughts on the Iraq war and poverty in his constituency could be aired only on the daily highlights programme if "countervailing views" were screened as well.

A spokesman said: "He was aware prior to the show that as a broadcaster we are regulated by strict guidelines. He was aware that this was not an opportunity for him to get on his soapbox."

12 January, 2006

Can't Stop Shaking My Head

These jokers are embarrassing, thier treatment of Alito sickens the average American and panders to the liberal base. First you have a man who should be guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

The other is attempting Pai Mei's five point palm-exploding heart technique.


Peter Gibbons: Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day, filling out useless forms and listening to eight different bosses drone on about about mission statements.
Office Space

10 January, 2006

Just some good old boys ...

Kennedy is looking for lost bottle of Scotch and Biden trying to look like he may yell out at any minute, "I'm outta order, the whole system is outta order! Did that look good for my 08 spots?"
Round 1 Alito v Kennedy
KENNEDY: Now, in 1985, in your job application to the Justice Department, you wrote, "I believe very strongly in the supremacy of the elected branches of government." Those are your words, am I right?
ALITO: They are and that's a very inapt phrase.
KENNEDY: Excuse me?
ALITO: It's an inapt phrase, and I certainly didn't mean that literally at the time, and I wouldn't say that today.
The branches of government are equal. They have different responsibilities, but they are all equal and no branch is supreme to the other branches.
KENNEDY: So you've changed your mind?
ALITO: No, I haven't changed my mind, Senator, but the phrasing there is very misleading and incorrect.
What I was getting at is the fact that our Constitution gives the judiciary a particular role and there are instances in which it can override the judgments that are made by Congress and by the executive. But for the most part, our Constitution leaves it to the elected branches of government to make the policy decisions for our country.
KENNEDY: All right. I want to move on.

Damn, he just worked the old sot.

Then the worldly Biden from Delaware
BIDEN: But I should tell you now, I want to talk to you about, again, the real world here and, kind of, the effects test.

And so for me, Judge, where I still remaining somewhat puzzled is on whether or not you, whether it's applying the unitary executive standard and what you mean by that or whether it is the assertions made relative to how to look at discrimination cases, which are difficult, you seem to come down -- I'm not associating myself with the studies done -- I don't know enough to know whether they're correct or not -- by Cass Sunstein and others; I don't disagree with them.

So he really doesn't know enough, but enough to try and "cut" him? Please, Alito's from Jersey, Biden has been in the Beltway so long, he's forgotten that there are people in the flyover states. His continual posturing to make the feeble attempt to attack Alito is as frightening as his arrogance. Pathetic.

08 January, 2006

Who's Who of the Abramoff Clan

I do not condone the Republicans and the Abramoff lovefest, but apparantly ol Jack played both sides of the aisle if you know what I mean? Nudge nudge, wink wink?
See if you can find a Senator from your state! You won't hear about him/her in the news!

Max Baucus (D-MT) Received At Least $22,500
Evan Bayh (D-IN) Received At Least $6,500
I like knowing my Junior Senator from Indy can hold his own!
Joseph Biden (D-DE) Received At Least $1,250

Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Received At Least $2,000
Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Received At Least $20,250
Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Received At Least $21,765
Tom Carper (D-DE) Received At Least $7,500
Hillary Clinton (D-NY) Received At Least $12,950
Kent Conrad (D-ND) Received At Least $8,000
Jon Corzine (D-NJ) Received At Least $7,500
Chris Dodd (D-CT) Received At Least $14,792
Byron Dorgan (D-ND) Received At Least $79,300
Dick Durbin (D-IL) Received At Least $14,000
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Received At Least $2,000
Russ Feingold (D-WI) Received At Least $1,250
Tom Harkin (D-IA) Received At Least $45,750
Daniel Inouye (D-HI) Received At Least $9,000
Jim Jeffords (I-VT) Received At Least $2,000
Tim Johnson (D-SD) Received At Least $14,250
Ted Kennedy (D-MA) Received At Least $3,300
John Kerry (D-MA) Received At Least $98,550

Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Received At Least $28,000
Pat Leahy (D-VT) Received At Least $4,000
Carl Levin (D-MI) Received At Least $6,000
Joe Lieberman (D-CT) Received At Least $29,830
Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Received At Least $14,891
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Received At Least $10,550
Patty Murray (D-WA) Received At Least $78,991
Bill Nelson (D-FL) Received At Least $20,168
Ben Nelson (D-NE) Received At Least $5,200
Barack Obama (D-IL) Received At Least $7,500
Mark Pryor (D-AR) Received At Least $2,300
Jack Reed (D-RI) Received At Least $3,500
Harry Reid (D-NV) Received At Least $68,941
John Rockefeller (D-WV) Received At Least $4,000
Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) Received At Least $4,500
Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) Received At Least $4,300
Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Received At Least $29,550
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Received At Least $6,250
Ron Wyden (D-OR) Received At Least $6,250

If they won't drop it ...

bug bug for the fun of it!

I would have to say, the most frustrating piece of news recently, is the whole bugging fiasco. Let me get this straight: bad guys are using electroinic equipment, e-mail to cell phones, to plot the destruction of my family. And some democrats and liberals who have thier panties in a bind because they feel unsafe? Really?
What kind of flipping moron really buys into the crap we have to play ball? We should be setting the rules of the game not allowing the terrorists to do so. A friendly reminder the 36% who feel the NSA should not be allowed to intercept phone calls of suspected terrorists, who do you really care about? The rights of someone who wants to kill your family or your family? If you have to even think about it, either use a condom at all times or you should have in the first. And before I get a comment saying how insensitive I am, bugger off, your opinion right matters little. But unlike the child murderers in countless carbombings, I will always support your right to it. Yes they are more than willing to kill "soft" targets, innocents.
An example of our success by Mark Steyn of the Sunt Times in U.S. shouldn't have to do tap dance over bugging:
This isn't a hypothetical situation. Consider Iyman Faris, a naturalized American citizen also known as Mohammad Rauf and nailed by U.S. intelligence through the interception of foreign-U.S. communications. He was convicted in 2003 for doing the legwork on an al Qaida scheme to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. A "hardworking truck driver," he was introduced to Osama bin Laden while enjoying a well-earned vacation at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan in 2000. At the request of bin Laden's aides, he researched the terrorist possibilities of "ultralight" aircraft. In 2002, he was commissioned by al Qaida to return to America and procure the materials for severing suspension-bridge cables and derailing trains.

06 January, 2006

funny guy, funny guy

One of my more inspirational and endearing charaters to grace the vast wasteland known as telelvision, is the belved Dr. Cox of Scrubs. John C. McGinely is one of the best flippin charater actors out there, see him in Watch It. I'll post that another day. But Dr. Cox makes me is the shit to say the least, I actually get teaching tips on classroom management from him. You know, the daily yappin' with the kids. Here are few, go to the memorable quotes on thier imdb website:

Dr. Cox: [in response to something J.D. just said] Oh, my God; I care so little, I almost passed out.

[Dr. Cox and the pregnant Jordan are walking through towards a Nurses' Station]
Dr. Cox: Yes, hello? Could we please get my hormonal, extremely annoying ex-wife's amnio underway?
Jordan: Wow, I can't wait to write that down in the baby journal.
[Dr. Cox grunts]
Jordan: Could you be a bigger ass right now?
Dr. Cox: Could you *have* a bigger ass right now?

[Dr. Cox looks up towards the ceiling]
Dr. Cox: Now, I know you say you love us all equally. But you don't, do ya? I'm onto you, Big Man.

[about J.D]
Dr. Cox: Uh, Carla. Carla, have you, uh, have you seen Newbie?
Carla: Oh, he got off your leash?
Dr. Cox: [laughing] Give me a break. The kid's like... he's like a... have you ever seen a drunk baby?
[Carla stares at him]
Dr. Cox: Eh, it's a long story involving my son, a rum cake, and a low counter. Suffice to say, it turns out that, at first, it's... it's endearing to watch them bounce off of the walls, but man... you take your eyes off them for one second...
[hits the table]
Dr. Cox: ... and bam! They got a bucket on their head, and they're plowing right through your brand new flat screen TV.
[whispering remorsefully]
Dr. Cox: God save me, it was barely out of the box.
[Carla continues to stare at him]
Dr. Cox: The point is... Newbie is my drunk baby.

Dr. Cox: Oh, gosh, Shannon, thank you so much for clarifying my point by repeating it word for word. And now, in a reciprocal gesture, can I be included in the planning of your coming-out party?
J.D.: Is that a gay joke?
Dr. Cox: No, it's a cotillion joke. My God, Newbie, it's been two furiously frustrating years - how is it possible that you still don't get me? I would never compare you to the gays. I like the gays - I like their music, I like their sense of style, I especially like what they've done with Halloween - but our thing is that you are a little girl. That's who you are. But that's really not fair...

Congrats Urlacher

Brian Urlacher went from being the one of the most overrated athletes in the NFL to Defensive MVP. Woody Hayes was right, people are fickle.

04 January, 2006

Where are the educators of America?

The title of post may sound a little antagonistic, but really? I have been a teacher for a few years and
I am thoroughly amazed the education class in our country is not constantly attacking the Taliban and Islamofascist movement. Throughout history, totalitarian regimes butchered educators of all levels. Why do you think so many teachings of Confucius don't exist, previous dynasties burned them and killed the teachers. The Nazis burned books and sent teachers in oppressed countries to the infamous concentration camps. Al qaeda terrorists killed teachers in Iraq and little girls in Indonesia. Recently, the headmaster of a school in Afghanistan was beheaded in front of his family! He had girls at his school. Malim Abdul Habib was a teacher, a father, and a husband. But in eyes of every tyrant that has existed, he was a dangerous man. He allowed boys and girls to learn, to become thinkers and to possibly improve his country.
I am not an alarmist, just stating facts. Please remember and value this as you return to your classroom or your daily job, we are at war once again with people who hate freedom.
The picture you see is a Taliban troop transporter and a US missile helping those cowards meet Allah sooner, I do not think there will be 72 virgins waiting for them. Click the picture to get an enlarged view.

03 January, 2006

The Multimedia Bears

The Bears forum I got to often is a great resource of information and chatter. The guys on the sight are phenoms at tracking down Bears related facts and opinions. A couple videos the boys provided really sum up how Bears' fans feel this year.
This one is on the lethal defense another on Urlacher, who should be defensive MVP hands down this year.
And an enlightening picture of the boy wonder Orton
By the way, check out this classic SNL Da Bears skit

02 January, 2006

Finally, the drop kick has returned!

The mighty Doug Flutie has finally proven to be a real "old school" playa! I remember watching him complete the legendary Hail Mary pass versus Miami in my Grandpa Don's basement eons ago. But he completed a drop kick Sunday, the first time since 1941. The ex-Bear completed the kick last done by a Bear, oddly enough. Plus, how often can you hear some one refer to the offensive line as "giddy?"
''The offensive line was giddy, they were coming up to the line saying, 'Watch this! watch this!' " Holliday said.

All in all, if this is how Flutie ends his career, well done. If I find it online, I'll post it.

Chairman Mao would be proud

Like many people, I was not iniatially thrilled about China getting the Olympic nod. But then I thought about it, what does the Olympics bring, besides revenue? Journalists. Yes, the little critters that poke and prod and ask questions that matter, unless they work for certain tabloid shows, the Today show is included in that clump. Now we remember the massacre in Tienaman Square, see picture, and how the Chinese government tried to suppress as many facts as possible; it'll be a lot harder to suppress facts with "capitalist renegade" journalists in the countryside. Throw in the chance a couple gonzo wannabes will be jailed for not following thier state directed protocal, and a one bull has entered the China shop.
All this time, another bull has been pacing outside the shop waiting to get in and make itself known, he could be from rural China, the southern provinces(site of current masssacre) or a very restless student body yearning for real freedom. A great article by Joshua Muldavin mentions this "other" bull pacing and getting very pissed to say the least.
So lets see how this develops, the Kyoto Treaty ducking Chinese are going to learn if they want to be a player, they better respect the game.

01 January, 2006

Well, at least there's support groups

from the Sun Times:
GAME TIME: The Los Angeles Times recently did a story on the Madden NFL video game and the way it has turned into an obsession for many NFL players. Sales over the last 15 years have topped $1.5 billion, and since 2001, it's the top-selling video game in the country. Players are so fond of it, some brought complaints to John Madden while he toured the NFL on "Monday Night Football'' or directly to the company that makes the game. Michael Vick can't understand why he's not the fastest player in the game instead of Randy Moss. Corey Dillon thinks his overall rating is too low. Michael Clayton wants his tackling number higher, just in case he ever has to make a tackle during the game. But the best response of all came from Steelers running back Jerome Bettis.
"I had to quit cold turkey three years ago," Bettis told the newspaper. "I was up all night, all day. I just realized that, hey, I've got to do some other things with my time. It can be an addiction, man."