My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

28 December, 2005

Trouble on the Horizon

Some things are constant, buying gas/doing laundry are a necessary evil, the Kennedys are an overrated clan, and there is always some nutjob running a country somewhere. One of the current darlings with an ideology and nukes on the way, is in Iran, party guy Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Above Right
First, it was not a real election. For a country that has currently banned western music to goon squads aganist student free speech groups, it keeps things "real."
Second, the charming fellow on the right who looks rather polite, has publicy desired the eradication of Israel of the map, appartently he missed the UN mandatroy first year ruler class on how not to draw the ire of a very lethal Israeli military. read Lancing the Boil
"Europe’s policy about Iran’s nuclear program can best be summed up as “Hurry up, sane and Western Israel, and take out this awful thing — so we can damn you Zionist aggressors for doing so in our morning papers.”
The last is the growing desire for freedom of expression in a Islamicfascist thoecracy, I like what my favorite intoxicated writer, My Man Hitch in Will Iran's Meddling Come At a Cost? has to say with clarity
"Millions of Iranians have satellite dishes and relatives in the West; there is a
large and restive Kurdish minority that has been much encouraged by developments
in Iraq; feminist and other dissident movements are extensive. It is sometimes
argued that such groups do not want to be seen or painted as agents of the U.S.
government. Very well, then, here is a great project for American human-rights
and pro-disarmament and "civil society" groups to undertake. Whatever the case,
it cannot be that such a despotic and arrogant regime feels that it can meddle
everywhere without any cost to itself."

I told my students a couple weeks ago, and I really think it will happen, Israeli jets will fly through Iraq, bomb a few "mosques," thus eliminate the Iranian threat, for a few days.
By the way, this Time Person of We Like Because We're Smart and Know What's Best for You has claimed the Holocaust is a "myth", enough said!

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