My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

18 December, 2005

This May Offend Some People

Despite my Libertarian leanings, I have no problem with Bush okaying wire taps post 9/11. I am a law abiding citizen who favors torture to save my children and friends overseas. I know there are very evil scumbags who like to see my wife in a burka and my daughters never educated. Think about it, these wiretaps would offend three groups of people:
  1. The "We Hate Bush Because we Lost" crowd: this is made up of democrats unable to cope with the fact they ran two crap campaigns and got beat by team Bush/Cheney/Rove. GW could produce loads of evidence for his being necessary, but they'll complain. Why, jealous, bad upbringing, or think communism could actually work..
  2. The "Terrorists" crowd: pretty much the bad guys. They love to see us tear each other down to help their cause. Your average terrorist is smart enough to know we actually have rights and respect mankind. Your run of the mill terrorist cares little except for thier objective, our demise, and appreciates any help along the way. Favorite movie would of course be Fahrenheit 9/11.
  3. The "Yes, that happens to be aluminum foil on my head" crowd: your nutjob who thinks the fluoride in the water is there to keep you pacified, black helicopters are watching their everystep , and we never landed on the moon. Actually, their coded Star Trek laced conversations would be quite entertaining. "Ensign Smith to Ensign Gakori, the Klingon is aganist the wall and his phaser is set for love."

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