My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

03 December, 2005

Maybe I went to far, oh well

In my classroom, I pick on three things: the klan, the nazis, and the packers. Reason being the first two are ignorant groups of people who use hate and violence to exist and are friggin' morons. Now the last of the trio, the evil packers, are obviously not a backward hate group, like But I did refer to them as "illiterate" yesterday. Something to the effect, wouldn't know what tot do if a book was thrown to them. Obviously I am having fun, the students know this, I'm waiting for a parent Monday morning tot have fun with.
Moving on , the Bears do play the drooling mouth breathing packers on Sunday and it is must win. Farve will come after them with shotgun formations and two to three step drops to keep the ferocious defense line at bay. But he has had our number far to often, time to turn the corners and get a huge win for Papa Halas.

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