My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

18 December, 2005

Funny Commercials

Right now, one of my favorite commercials would have to be the new Peyton Manning "D-Caff, D-Caff!" chanting to the waitress. But the best is in the end of the commercial when he mooches the apron of a server. Think about how many times he has had that done to him for a jersey.
The other commercial is the Miller Lite in court versus Bud Light series. The sublty of the young lawyer in jeans with a tweed jacket versus the older suit wearing stiffs is standard. But the best is when he brings in Flavor Flav and Gene Simmons as "experts." Even the "tastes great," "less filling" routine was nice tip to the old days.

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