My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

07 September, 2005

Why Democrats Miss the Point on the Views of the Common Person

When asked to identify who was most responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane, 38% of Americans said no one was really to blame, while 13% cited Bush, 18% the federal agencies, and 25% state and local officials.
Who do you think is MOST responsible for the problems in New Orleans after the hurricane -- [ROTATED: George W. Bush, federal agencies, (or) state and local officials], or is no one really to blame?
George W.Bush 13%
Federalagencies 18 %
State/localofficials 25 %
No one to blame 38 %
No opinion 6 %
2005 Sep 5-6

if you go to, there is a piece on the demos attack on Pres. Bush
gotta give it up to the asses, they truly live up to thier symbol

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