My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

16 September, 2005

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid

Right now, if I were a democratic strategist, I would be crappin' eggrolls. Bush's plan to help rebuild New Orleans could be the coup de grat for the Democrats in the upcoming midterm and presidential election. Reasons:

  1. the Cindy Sheenhan Show - her current episode, and mean that clinically, has her wanting Bush to pull the troops out of New Orleans! The Rosa Parks of the anti-War Movement may swiftly be Jim Jones. When the leader of your movement shows signs of clear pyschosis, people will run the other way, fast. Hence why no real canidate for 08 stood next to her.
  2. the Taken for Granted African American Vote - this actually has two parts. First is the trend of church leaders throughout the nation finding common identity with platforms of the GOP, Abortion, Homosexuality and school choice. Second is how much help really hits the people of New Orleans. If a satisfactory, satisfactory, amount hits the area, the Republicans have scored huge.
  3. No Message in the Demos - what is their stance, afraid to challenge Iraq, no really cures for the economy, they would only raise taxes. Even if they talk tough, see Sen. Clinton or Biden, people see though them. Eventually their past will come back to haunt them, Biden looked like an ass going after Roberts.
  4. The Next Supreme Court Nomination - Bush will select either a minority or woman on this one. I like Janice Brown. She hits both. If the Democrats attack her in public like Roberts, they can alienate thousands because she came from poverty, is black and obviously, a woman.

The best shot the Democrats have is making sure Obama of Illinois doesn't wake up one morning with a dead hooker or a boy. Or pray the republicans really screw the pooch.

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