My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

03 September, 2005

More About Reactions

I had a very good response to the previous post and my views of the liberal media, we instead could have a conservative media, thanks. I really liked the response on personal accoutnability. I live in the Midwest, adnas Abdul Shabazz, morning 1430 Indy, pointed out, we are one tornado from being homeless. And we have alot of trailer parks in the vincinty.
But my underlining point, which was also pointed out by columnist Kathleen Parker, we want to blame someone; someone has to pay. It would take a moron to see the rescue effort has been less than perfect. Hopefully with the arrival of the military we can first rescue the people still stranded. Out of respect to those who are risking thier lives, not hiding behind a desk, or a microphone, or a computer, give them room to get it done.
I'm trying to figure out why we won't be able to rescue the 2000 people in the Superdome, I have 9:18 central, saturday. But there are superman-like people down there to save them, pray for'em.
Another reminder to Chris Matthews of Hardball, it is Minute Maid Park, once Enron Field, and the Astrodome is no longer home of the Astros.

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