My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

02 September, 2005

Thoughts From Up North

I'm from the school of thought, if there is a srious crisis, fix it. After it is fixed, then figure out what happened. What is sad about New Orleans, is we have manifested our desire to blame someone, rather than take care of the problem first. But, that's why we have really smart talking heads to tell us what to think.
I watched Lisa Daniels of MSNBC this afternoon screaming for someone to blame. Why has the media not been so tough on the looters? Liberal racism, the "Its okay, they're poor, a minority and angry, we'll take care you and eliminate any responsiblilty" mentality. Much like you see the media not attacking the invaders of Iraq, not US troops, but terrorists from other countries fighting to prevent freedom. Tragically none of those concepts fits thier mistaken and selfish agenda of the Left. Once the sitiuation is resolved, or in more secure direction, then go after the administration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fix the problem you say! Well get rid of the liberal media and for that matter both of the conservative media. We need level headed people to do the peoples work instead of pushing agendas' True the liberal media has their head in the sand on almost every issue, but honest to God to use this issue as a black/white or poor/rich issue is beyond me! Help these people out. Once that is done fill in the ditch and forget about the flood plains, quake zones, forrest fires, mudslide areas etc. I am tired of paying taxes to rebuild this shit. I am sick and tired of paying higher insurance rates due to stupid people: be it Home owners or health insurance. Why should I have to pay more because some dumbass wants to build his home 10 feet below sea level or on top of a fault line. It is the same as asking me to pay higher premiums due to some fat bastard that fills his/her pie hole with junk food.

When will it stop? I'll tell you it will stop when the average AMERICAN has had enough and I have so if you are a lazy S.O.B. looking for a hand out from me kiss my ass