My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

04 September, 2005


Trivia: In 1991, Kissinger made three appearances on national television - as a
weather reporter.

thanks to to support me.

While I was a Ball State, I tended to enjoy a beverage now and then. As a result, 1987-92 and a few more years afterwards of running amuck, are rather blurry. I say in a funny way when I return to BSU homecomings, "A thousand memories I don't remember."
Back to the subject at hand, I remember one blurry morning waking up and seeing Kissenger doing the weather. In his thick accent describe fronts and weather patterns seemed a surreal hangover result. But it was clear enough I swore it happened. Not one person I knew saw this. While getting my educational methods classes, professors I talked in the political science department at IUPUI denied it. Today, 14 years after the event, I was right.

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