My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

05 September, 2005

Funny-Sounding Political Words from the George Book of Political Lists

Bafflegab – intentionally confusing jargon
Bloviate – to speechify pompously
Boondoggle – wasteful or crooked government-funded project
Filibuster – long-winded oration whose purpose is to obstruct the passage of a particular piece of legislation
Flugie – rule that only helps the rule maker
Gerrymander – to redraw an election district for politically motivating reasons
Gobbledygook – roundabout, nonsensical explanation
Mollycoddle – wimpy politician
Mugwump – political maverick
Roorback – invented rumor intended to smear an opponent
Snollygoster – politician who puts office holding ahead of principles
Wonk – nerd drawn to political details

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