My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

02 July, 2005

Liberal Silence

Headlines for July 1, 2005 from
- Iraq Gov't: 8,200 Iraqis Killed Over Past Six Months
Try murdered, borderline a hate crime, by Islamic Jihadist terrorists trying to establish thier own version of a theocracy by use of carbombs and asassinations. It is utterally amazing how the left can silently sit and watch these civilians and brave soldiers/police officers be killed to support thier agenda aganist this war. If these were white people, it would be an outrage, but the subtle racist beliefs of intellectual and moral superioroty of the left allows these brave Iraqis to die. And don't think people arn't paying attention to them keeping Third World countires from developing better forms of food production, yes using chemicals, to feed millions. But becasue their own agenda, they pressure countries not to follow though with ideas and development to feed and save millions.


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