My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

25 July, 2005

Another Moron

"Are two people supposed to be with each other for the rest of thier lives? I don't believe that is realisitic. That's my opinion." Kate Hudson on marriage, from US magazine

I'm not posting this because I'm Catholic, married, and actually plan on spending the rest of my life with my wife, but because some people should really keep thier opinions to themselves. I was talking to another bartender the other day, and we were talking about opinions. My reply was "Everyone can have an opinion, doesn't mean its correct."
But really folks, statements like this reinforce the public's perception of Hollywood's lack of morals, commitment, and considerations of the rest of America. Because she is a celeb, she has authority? Of course that's why they can testify before Congress because of a role they portray. In that case, I'm waiting for Vin Disel to testify on behalf of nannies for his role in "The Pacifier."
By the way, she's married. There's a vote of confidence for her hubbie.

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