My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

06 July, 2005

Che was full of toro caca

Read the article and look for more info on your own
The Killing Machineby Alvaro Vargas Llosa
The New Republic
"Which brings us back to Carlos Santana and his chic Che gear. In an open letter published in El Nuevo Herald on March 31 of this year, the great jazz musician Paquito D'Rivera castigated Santana for his costume at the Oscars, and added: "One of those Cubans [at La CabaƱa] was my cousin Bebo, who was imprisoned there precisely for being a Christian. He recounts to me with infinite bitterness how he could hear from his cell in the early hours of dawn the executions, without trial or process of law, of the many who died shouting, 'Long live Christ the King!'"

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