My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

14 July, 2005


I went to the ConWebWacth website, to see how the otherside lives, and I was reminded how much Chris Matthews dislikes the Clintons. Then the website brillantly showed how much the liberals will turn on thier own to fit thier agenda.
Matthews is an old-school East Coast Democrat. I may disagree with him, but he tells it like it is, and appears honest. Frankly, I think he is disappointed and disinfranchised with the Dems. But his referring to Hillary as "witchy" and her not being "smart" was dead on.
So what does the left do, attack him. This guy is a lib, served as a chief member of Tip O'Neal's staff, and unafraid to call out a minister at his church on his support of the war. He asked the minister, with respect (take note media) if he would have supported the war if Clinton was in charge. The minster's response, if it was done right.
Watch Hardball, it'll make you smart.

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