My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

22 July, 2005

Ahh ... Memories

From my fraternity's 1988 Bike-a-thon T-Shirt:
Phi Sigma Kappa @ Ball State

Top Ten Reasons We Are Not Paired With A Sorority
10. We're our own best friends
9. Our house is green
8. We don't put out
7. We don't abuse enough women
6. Troy
5. We can't afford enough food
4. Its got to be better than last year
3. Our mommies and daddies don't buy us new cars
2. We won Grrek Week, we don't need to party with anyone else
1. Greeks, freaks, sluts, motorheads, jocks ... they all say we're righteous dudes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bobo you know that I love you, however I believe that you have been home with the kids to long.