My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

05 August, 2005

It's About Time Miles Brand Took A Real Stand


NCAA Bans Indian Mascots During Postseason
Friday, August 05, 2005

INDIANAPOLIS — The NCAA (search) banned the use of American
Indian mascots by sports teams during its postseason tournaments, but will not
prohibit them otherwise.

Since that came down, I hearby protest the name of the Purdue Boilermakers because I find it deragatory towards my favorite drink. (Whisky & Draft Beer together)

Also, did you the French Jesuits that founded Notre Dame didn't even want the Irish to attend. So therefore to respect the Jesuits, ban the name Fightin' Irish. From Shake Down the Thunder

And the I also find the name Hoosiers rude because it means you are a rube, basically. Royko made fun of Indiana for it.

The reason they said it only applies during the postseason because that is where schools get the exposure and make mucho dinero through bowl and tourney invites. Cowardly, just plain cowardly.


Cajun Tiger said...

And next thing you know, PETA will be holding protests of all the schools that have animals as their more Tigers and Bears. We might as well preempt everyone and change every mascot to represent white males being they are the only segment of society that is never allowed to be offended over anything.

Anonymous said...

This is just idiotic. Even the schools who have the support of the ACTUAL TRIBES are now deemed offensive? I guess the NCAA knows more about being an Indian than the Indians do.

Goodbye Utes and Seminoles, now get back to the reservation.