My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

11 August, 2005


Cindy Sheenan: Without Internet, U.S. Would Be a “Fascist State”

The Crawford protester talks with her blog supporters.
Cindy Sheehan, the woman whose soldier son was killed in Iraq and who is now camping by a road in Crawford, Texas demanding a meeting with President Bush, on Wednesday thanked a group of antiwar bloggers for supporting her, saying that without the Internet, America would be a "fascist state." "This is something that can't
be ignored," Sheehan said during a conference call with bloggers representing sites like,, and "They can't ignore us, and they can't put us down. Thank God for the Internet, or we wouldn't know anything, and we would already be a fascist state."
"Our government is run by one party, every level," Sheehan continued, "and the mainstream media is a propaganda tool for the government." Sheehan also called the 2004 presidential election "the election, quote-unquote, that happened in November."
The conference call was moderated by Democratic strategist
Joe Trippi, who managed former Vermont governor Howard Dean's presidential campaign in 2003 and 2004. It was also organized by another Democratic strategist, Bob Fertik of (During the conference, Fertik said that for the purposes of the call, he was representing yet another website, the antiwar site Finally, Jodie Evans of the anti-war group
Code Pink also took part in running the sometimes-chaotic call. Trippi has posted a recording of the call on his own website,

Also taking part in the call was Illinois Democratic
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a frequent participant in progressive political conferences and anti-war events. Schakowsky took part in an unofficial Democratic hearing on the Downing Street Memo conducted last June in Washington. Sheehan testified at that hearing, giving a painful and moving account of seeing her son in his coffin.
On the call, Sheehan complained that she was suffering from a sore
throat and a fever after being doused by thunderstorms. But she vowed to stay in Texas. There are only three things that would prompt her to leave, she said: "a good meeting with the president, the end of August, or I get arrested."

Like all Americans, my heart goes out to the woman who lost her son. But I am concerned she is becoming a pawn of the Left. If this is how she feels, then so be it. But the shameless tatics as seen from Michael Moore to Sen. Ted "Who else has killed someone and gotten away with it" Kennedy, would let me believe she is being used. Her one quote about , "the media is a pawn," makes me feel true sorrow for her. She is heartbroken, be kind to her, everyone. Her family is now denouncing her, check drudge.

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