My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

26 August, 2005

The Horror, The Horror

Top 5 Things Heard When Mack Brown of Texas Recruits A Blue Chip RB

5. "Not only will I get you to be a top five pick, but I'll throw in a pr guy to clean up your mistakes."
4. "And son, don't wear you helmet during interviews and cry when you get drafted."
3. "Please cut the dreadlocks and ... can you at least act like you care about your teammates. You know the hold out thing, the quitting on them to fire up fatties"
2. "Yes, I know I had no choice to start the Simms kid. I had to keep his old man quiet, but Major Applewhite just wasn't sexy enough."
1. "Really, we'll beat OU before the Bush twins get their first facelifts."

25 August, 2005

You know your peace rally is a sell-out when this one shows up

tough frenchman

Brigitte Bardot calls for halt to use of puppies as shark bait

Brigitte Bardot, the 1950s and 1960s film star turned animal rights campaigner,
has called on the French government to halt the reported use by fishermen on the
island of Reunion of live puppies and kittens as shark bait.
"It is
imperative that the government does something to end this practice," she said in
a letter to the minister for French overseas territories, Francois Baroin, a
copy of which was given to AFP Thursday.
According to Clicanoo, a newspaper
in Reunion, a French island located in the Indian Ocean, a six-month-old puppy
was found last month with hooks implanted in its snout and one of its
The French Society for the Protection of Animals (SPA) told the daily
the dog was the victim of cruel fishermen who attract sharks by throwing puppies
or kittens into the water, tied to fishing lines, and wait for the predators to
swallow the thrashing animals.
"We don't see that every day, but it's not the
first time, either," Marie-Annick Chantrel, the vice-president of the Reunion
branch of the SPA, told Clicanoo. "We've already seen cats six or seven months
old with hooks in them."
Bardot told Baroin that "unfortunately these are not
isolated incidents, and the people of Reunion are the first to be horrified by
this despicable barbarity which mars the image of their island."
campaigner, who runs an animal defence association, said she had written to
authorities on the island to have them put a stop to the crime.

sick as it may sound, at least they wern't "rescued" by those jerks at peta. thanks to yahoo

15 August, 2005

14 August, 2005

Missed by the AFI in "the Greatest Lines of All Time" Catagory

Memorable Quotes from Night of the Lepus (1972)
Officer Lopez: Attention! Attention! Ladies and gentlemen, attention! There is a herd of killer rabbits headed this way and we desperately need your help!

I don't blame him

"In the Peat Sadeh settlement, Yaakov Mazaltareen set fire to his two warehouses
that contained irrigation equipment and two vehicles. He used his forklift to
knock down what was left of the structures. Settlers stopped to watch. One
crying woman rushed her children away."


13 August, 2005


To the the Israelis who are losing this houses in the pullout and what they should do. Go "Little House on the Prairie." As much as I hated the show, I dug how they blew up Downers Grove, I believe, so the villians would get the land, not their houses. What would you do?

11 August, 2005


Cindy Sheenan: Without Internet, U.S. Would Be a “Fascist State”

The Crawford protester talks with her blog supporters.
Cindy Sheehan, the woman whose soldier son was killed in Iraq and who is now camping by a road in Crawford, Texas demanding a meeting with President Bush, on Wednesday thanked a group of antiwar bloggers for supporting her, saying that without the Internet, America would be a "fascist state." "This is something that can't
be ignored," Sheehan said during a conference call with bloggers representing sites like,, and "They can't ignore us, and they can't put us down. Thank God for the Internet, or we wouldn't know anything, and we would already be a fascist state."
"Our government is run by one party, every level," Sheehan continued, "and the mainstream media is a propaganda tool for the government." Sheehan also called the 2004 presidential election "the election, quote-unquote, that happened in November."
The conference call was moderated by Democratic strategist
Joe Trippi, who managed former Vermont governor Howard Dean's presidential campaign in 2003 and 2004. It was also organized by another Democratic strategist, Bob Fertik of (During the conference, Fertik said that for the purposes of the call, he was representing yet another website, the antiwar site Finally, Jodie Evans of the anti-war group
Code Pink also took part in running the sometimes-chaotic call. Trippi has posted a recording of the call on his own website,

Also taking part in the call was Illinois Democratic
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a frequent participant in progressive political conferences and anti-war events. Schakowsky took part in an unofficial Democratic hearing on the Downing Street Memo conducted last June in Washington. Sheehan testified at that hearing, giving a painful and moving account of seeing her son in his coffin.
On the call, Sheehan complained that she was suffering from a sore
throat and a fever after being doused by thunderstorms. But she vowed to stay in Texas. There are only three things that would prompt her to leave, she said: "a good meeting with the president, the end of August, or I get arrested."

Like all Americans, my heart goes out to the woman who lost her son. But I am concerned she is becoming a pawn of the Left. If this is how she feels, then so be it. But the shameless tatics as seen from Michael Moore to Sen. Ted "Who else has killed someone and gotten away with it" Kennedy, would let me believe she is being used. Her one quote about , "the media is a pawn," makes me feel true sorrow for her. She is heartbroken, be kind to her, everyone. Her family is now denouncing her, check drudge.

Dead On

Mr. Bush as a person, as an individual, is as attractive to Republicans as
he is unattractive to Democrats. Republicans like him because he seems like a
normal guy--business, family, sports, Top 40 on the iPod. Democrats hate him for
this--how common, how plebian; he'd have more elevated tastes if he were a more
elevated man. Republicans like him for the one way in which he is obviously
extraordinary: When he says it he means it, and if he promises it he'll do it.
Democrats see this as evidence of derangement: He doesn't change his mind
because he thinks he's God's other son, and in any case he can't think clearly
enough to change his mind. Republicans see it more this way: As a West Point
official said to me in passing, "He's got two of 'em."
Democrats try to tag Mr. Bush as lazy, but that will never work. He seems like an activist who's actively engaged. Every time cable news does a "Bush Is on Vacation in Crawford" headline they're forced to follow it with a clip of the speech Mr. Bush just made. In any case liberals are always trying to call Republican presidents lazy.
They did it with Eisenhower and Reagan too. It never helps the liberal cause.
They don't know half the country would be relieved to have a lazy president as
he'd do less and make us less nervous.

- Peggy Noonan, as always, looking and sounding good with grace

10 August, 2005

Darwin has a point part 2

Korean Dies After Two Days of Computer Games
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

SEOUL, South Korea — A 28-year-old South Korean man died of exhaustion in an Internet cafe after playing computer games non-stop for 49 hours, South Korean police said Wednesday.

Darwin Has Point Part 1

Time to thin the herd

Signing Off

He was my favorite of "the Big Three"

05 August, 2005

Cold Facts

  • Hiroshima or Nagasaki:
  • It would have been 1,000,000 U.S. casualties.
  • Have you read The Rape of Nanking?
  • What about the Death March of Bataan?
  • The Korean women sent as sex slaves for Japanese troops?

The questions were answered by Truman 60 years ago, it was the right choice! End of discussion! I'm can't say I am sorry if I offend people, but the truth is the truth and it has set me free!

It's About Time Miles Brand Took A Real Stand


NCAA Bans Indian Mascots During Postseason
Friday, August 05, 2005

INDIANAPOLIS — The NCAA (search) banned the use of American
Indian mascots by sports teams during its postseason tournaments, but will not
prohibit them otherwise.

Since that came down, I hearby protest the name of the Purdue Boilermakers because I find it deragatory towards my favorite drink. (Whisky & Draft Beer together)

Also, did you the French Jesuits that founded Notre Dame didn't even want the Irish to attend. So therefore to respect the Jesuits, ban the name Fightin' Irish. From Shake Down the Thunder

And the I also find the name Hoosiers rude because it means you are a rube, basically. Royko made fun of Indiana for it.

The reason they said it only applies during the postseason because that is where schools get the exposure and make mucho dinero through bowl and tourney invites. Cowardly, just plain cowardly.

04 August, 2005

More Tick, Except From The Short Lived Sitcom

[in a violent battle with a bus station coffee machine] The Tick: Armless bandit... Empty
your bladder of that bitter black urine men call coffee! It has its price and
its price has been payed! Java devil, you are now my bitch.

Second Greatest Superhero

Tick: Can't lose my name, it's
on all my stationery!

I use the Tick the calm my daughters down. Yes, it may be rather disturbing, but humorous.

02 August, 2005

Quoting Those Darn Hobbits

When this was written it was in retaliation to the Nazis in WWII. It has a strong connection today with the war versus the Islamic nutjob terrorists. Its the last line that sums it up.
-from (greatest website in the world)
Frodo: I can't do this Sam.
Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights we shouldn't even be here. But we are. It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding on to Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.

I Would Like To Thank This Wench For Making My Life More Difficult

Sandra "Beth" Geisel is accused of fooling around with high school students at a private school in New York. And she's a teacher. What irritates me about this is I'm going have to get a ton of verbal abuse at the bar because she is in my other line of work, education. We had the local high school teachers a couple years ago, one poor soul committed sucide. Heck, I remember things like this when I was in high school. But the media is going to run with this one bad. I hope she does time. She deserves it.
How will she make my life difficult? More friggin' seminars to go to about how close to stand next to a student. It's common sense, our job is to protect them, nuture them, not take advantage of them. She can rot with the other criminal who had children with her student, of course they're now married.

And People are Shocked Someone Lied in Front of Congress

Prove us wrong