My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

09 October, 2005

Random Thoughts

  • I am deeply torn, happy the Sox for reaching the ALCS, but again, they are dirty southsiders.
  • Republicans attacking Miers; listen children, I know you been suckered punched by Souter and Kennedy, but you have to put your pride aside and really look at the big picture. Quit being short-sided demos and think about, he knows her, he trusts her, and she may be the real deal. Did you elect Bush to become a fiscal conservative, yes, is he? No! Lest you forget, he inherited a recession. That means Clinton's economy was tanking as he was moving out of 1600. He has rebuilt it. He was in command as we suffered the worst attack on our soil. He took them out. The Bush Doctrine in the Middle East may take several years and we have made enemies ... no we are flushing them out. In the end, when the dust settles, we will look back and shudder at what could have been if we were not there in the sandbox.
  • Peanut has got to regain the form that used to shut Moss down.
  • congrats to Joe Pa for the outstanding win against OSU.
  • global warming and hurricanes are not solely caused by Bush's departure from Kyoto ... if I recall, in the 70s, we were supposed to prepare for the next Ice Age.
  • if I were a democrat, I have integrity thus I am not, I would be pissed at my party. They offer no message, outside of Bush = evil, and no real leadership. They are even hesitant to put hillary for the president. Need to get it together, or better yet, stay the course.
  • lasty, I love this one. If bill and hillary's marriage were anymore of a convience, they would be a slurpee macine in the bedroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bite me Joe Pa