My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

30 October, 2005

Ahh! Attack of the droll Senator

Well, Sen. Bayh finally sold his soul. First it was his attacks on Chief Justice Roberts, what a great ring to it; now his daring and risque laced speech in New Hampshire:

"I'd like to begin this evening by sharing some good news with all of you," Bayh
said, revving up the hard-core, sellout crowd. "In just about three years, the
Bush era will be over. Done. Finished."

Dare to take a risk, Senator. Technically yes, and hopefully a new Republican will take our country to a new and further the improved level we are on. I care little for the remarks of American-bashing euros, jealous, or the fearful left, hateful at best.

Bayh criticized the Bush administration for "needless division, misplaced
priorities and ineptitude"

And senator bayh shows the class from which our future leader should show.-- somewhat stronger language than he's been using lately, even in all-Democratic settings.

"President Bush sought our nation's highest office pledging to be a uniter, not
a divider, and has proceeded to divide this country more profoundly than any
time since the Vietnam War," Bayh said, eliciting long applause.

Only because a very bitter democratic party has yet to admit it dropped the ball in 2000 & 04. Before you give the conspiracy laced rhetoric of Ohio and Florida, don't, it just didn't happen.
The point I am getting at is once again the leadership of the democratic party is showing no real leadership because there is no message no signs of solution no signs of making things better.

Look at his themes: from DLC(Democratic Leadership Council)

unity - not when you condemn the man who won a majority of the last vote. You push away the right leaning middle. The uncalled for name calling and disrespect shown by the Democratic leadership reflects on the party.

opportunity - look at the complete success of his 21st Century Scholarship, only 25% actually graduate from college.

real security - try harder, please. What is your defintion, sell missle technology to the Chinese like President Clinton.

accountability - for a party that yet to accept its failures of the past, there is no sign of any real change.
My point is, he is tragically unspectacular. He is a cookie cutter canidate.


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