My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

29 October, 2005

Question of Faith

I read the article about the three Christian girls beheaded. In my readings of history and modern events, I could never figure out how people are willing to kill in the name of God. And it could be Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu or whomever, there is no real reason. The underlining reason always goes back to the financial gain of one over the land or resources the other possess. I challenge anyone to look at any military conflict over the past thousand years, strip away the window dressing they call "holy war" or any conventional at that, and you'll find either side has some form of financial consideration.
Of course, who you believe is the bad guy is another question. Look at the War in Iraq; are we there to colonize the sandbox, no. Did Sadaam Hussian attempt to conquer other countries to improve his oil supplies and become a world power? Yes. I'll leave it there for replies.

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