My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

05 February, 2006

Tipping Point

The riots of Muslim extremists in Europe, throw in the attacks on Denmark's and Norway's embassies, could be the tipping point for Europe. If there are deaths related to these protests, the Euros could freak out and start passing various legislation to curtail Muslim rights.
How? Different building codes for mosques to limits on gathering in public. If they further this with travelling restrictions and then some questionable wiretaps, sounds like a little Jim Crow with Hoover's old FBI.
But common sense would dictate the Euros sould be safer. All the cameras the British have placed on every street corner in London caught thier bombers. But the open borders are quite the quandry.
Van Gogh's kin who was stabbed to death with the note though the knife into his chest. The fall riots in Paris. Look to the Spanish Inquistion, the pograms and of course the Holocaust, and Europe's religious sensitivity is quite historic. Beware Muslims, they are really not that warm and fuzzy.
Here are the cartoons that this ruckus was started by from WorldNetDaily:

Although this is one nutjob, the attack on the freedom of speech by these facists is summed by this party guy:

So in the end, are the Euros allowed to attack the Muslim extremists with legal discrimination? Or do they wait for all hell to really break loose? Are the basic rights brough forth by Locke and enhanced by Jefferson to be cemented in law?
This is going to be more fun than an outted politico to watch.

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