My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

13 February, 2006


I don't what is more embarrassing, VP Cheney the triggerman or Gregory of NBC sounding like a teenage school girl in heat. When you actually watch the video for the first time, it throws you off. These hacks are professional journalists, not some sixth grader upset about no recess. Listening to the batch of agenda driven baboons really makes look at the news given to us by the Big Three. Frankly, Crondike's "That the way it is" and the NYT "News that fit to print" lines seem like old USSR Pravda propaganda. Here's the classic clip with a link.
I watch Gregory on MSNBC and different news shows, but Christ, who gave this sanctimonious prick the privilege to report to you the truth if he can't stay objective on a hunting accident. Mad props to Expose the Left for the clip. I can't tell if the guy in the background is in love with him or wondering if the meds ran out.

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