My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

26 February, 2006

Pain Chart

I find this amusing, though helpful. There is a very fun scene in Scrubs when they point out the archaic nature of these pain charts and their usefullness.

14 February, 2006

are you friggin kidding me?

Reality is slipping rapidily for the left. Lawerence O'Donnell is a blithering idiot when he implies Cheney was drunk. Boy, MSNBC sure knows how to pick'em. No wonder they are dead last in the ratings for the cable news camps:

The L.A. Times is edging closer to the most likely reason for the 18 hour delay
in reporting that the Vice President of the United States shot someone:

"This was a hunting accident," said Gilbert San Miguel, chief deputy of
the Kenedy County Sheriff's Office. "There was no alcohol or misconduct."

How do we know there was no alcohol? Cheney refused to talk to local
authorities until the next day. No point in giving him a breathalyzer then.
Every lawyer I've talked to assumes Cheney was too drunk to talk to the cops
after the shooting. The next question for the White House should be: Was
Cheney drunk?

I have never gone hunting with ultra-rich Republicans on a
Saturday afternoon, but I have seen them tailgating at Ivy League
football games, so it's hard for me to believe that any of their Saturday
lunches are alcohol free.

As opposed to ultra-rich democrats who drive women into the water and drown them when they are drunk.
By the way, how's West Wing doing?

Great Bumpersticker

13 February, 2006


I don't what is more embarrassing, VP Cheney the triggerman or Gregory of NBC sounding like a teenage school girl in heat. When you actually watch the video for the first time, it throws you off. These hacks are professional journalists, not some sixth grader upset about no recess. Listening to the batch of agenda driven baboons really makes look at the news given to us by the Big Three. Frankly, Crondike's "That the way it is" and the NYT "News that fit to print" lines seem like old USSR Pravda propaganda. Here's the classic clip with a link.
I watch Gregory on MSNBC and different news shows, but Christ, who gave this sanctimonious prick the privilege to report to you the truth if he can't stay objective on a hunting accident. Mad props to Expose the Left for the clip. I can't tell if the guy in the background is in love with him or wondering if the meds ran out.

12 February, 2006

take a look see

Even though this is speculative, this little picture offers a visual idea of Iran and its brillant desire to pursue nukes. Click on the picture to better the view.

11 February, 2006

Hitch winning friends

This charming piece about a Hitchens encounter speaks in volumes. For an atheist, he makes me laugh. Plus he offers a unique way to put up with the anit-war/anti Bush hacks. From the NY Daily News:
Hitchens is eager to Iraq 'n' roll
Leave it to pro-war pundit Christopher Hitchens to rile up a crowd of New York liberals.
The catcalls started almost from the moment the prickly Brit began defending the Iraq adventure during Wednesday night's squabble at the Ethical Culture Society.
"Make zoo noises!" Hitchens taunted. "Bear in mind, if you had been listened to, Bosnia would part of greater Serbia, Afghanistan would be run by the Taliban, and Saddam Hussein would still be in charge of Iraq."
For good measure, he added: "British intelligence was quite right to say that Saddam Hussein was seeking uranium in Niger. That you can look up."
To which a peacenik screamed: "F- you!"
"Shut up," Hitchens retorted. "You're rude and silly. And ugly."
Afterward, a deeply satisfied Hitchens smoked a cigarette. "I know how to hurt their feelings because I know what they're going through. ... I have a real relish for inflicting pain on them."

05 February, 2006

Dead Sexy, Dead Career

Tipping Point

The riots of Muslim extremists in Europe, throw in the attacks on Denmark's and Norway's embassies, could be the tipping point for Europe. If there are deaths related to these protests, the Euros could freak out and start passing various legislation to curtail Muslim rights.
How? Different building codes for mosques to limits on gathering in public. If they further this with travelling restrictions and then some questionable wiretaps, sounds like a little Jim Crow with Hoover's old FBI.
But common sense would dictate the Euros sould be safer. All the cameras the British have placed on every street corner in London caught thier bombers. But the open borders are quite the quandry.
Van Gogh's kin who was stabbed to death with the note though the knife into his chest. The fall riots in Paris. Look to the Spanish Inquistion, the pograms and of course the Holocaust, and Europe's religious sensitivity is quite historic. Beware Muslims, they are really not that warm and fuzzy.
Here are the cartoons that this ruckus was started by from WorldNetDaily:

Although this is one nutjob, the attack on the freedom of speech by these facists is summed by this party guy:

So in the end, are the Euros allowed to attack the Muslim extremists with legal discrimination? Or do they wait for all hell to really break loose? Are the basic rights brough forth by Locke and enhanced by Jefferson to be cemented in law?
This is going to be more fun than an outted politico to watch.

04 February, 2006