My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

26 November, 2005

Socrates would be so proud

November 26, 2005
Teacher's vocabulary quiz slams Bush, GOP
Associated Press
BENNINGTON, Vt. -- A high school teacher is facing questions from administrators
after giving a vocabulary quiz that included digs at President Bush, Republicans
and the extreme right.
Bret Chenkin, a social studies and English teacher at
Mount Anthony Union High School, said he gave the quiz to his students several
months ago. The quiz asked students to pick the proper words to complete

One example: "I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for
once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms
the below-average mind, hence insuring him Republican votes." "Coherent" was
considered the right answer.
Principal Sue Maguire said she hoped to speak
to anyone who complained about the quiz and any students who might be concerned.
She said she also would talk with Chenkin. School Superintendent Wesley Knapp
said he takes the situation seriously.
"It's absolutely unacceptable," Knapp
said. "They (teachers) don't have a license to hold forth on a particular
Chenkin, 36, a teacher for seven years, said he isn't shy about
sharing his liberal views with students as a way of prompting debate, but he
said the quizzes are being taken out of context.
"The kids know it's
hyperbolic, so to speak," he said. "They know it's tongue-in-cheek." But he said
he would change his teaching methods if some are concerned.
"I'll put in
both sides," he said. "Especially if it's going to cause a lot of grief."
The school is in Bennington, a community of about 16,500 in the southwest
corner of the state.

my take:
I have taught middle school Social studies for the past five years, I came in after the Bush/Gore fiasco and was entertained by the last election. But one thing I will not do is allow my political beliefs to known or affect my teaching. It's simple:
If I tell my kids I am Republican and spout Republican talking points/propaganda, they will either
a) become GOPers because they may be foolish enough to respect my views, highly doubt the respect angle, or
b) become democrats out of spite and to go aganist me because I am the evil authoritarian figure, most likely.

A real teacher will keep thier political views out of the classromm, except, except for the common belief that our job/duty/most of all responsiblilty is to teach our children to think for themselves. If you want to be some cheap liberal thug and use a methane rich line as Chenkin did
"sharing his liberal views with students as a way of prompting debate."
No, that is the cheapest, lamest cop-out like some student pinched for cheating, "Oh, I got called out on this one, so make up this song and dance." More or less he is a second rate teacher betraying the rest of the profession.


Anonymous said...

Obob oh Obob where for art thou Obob. Why don't you ever tell the story about the election in which you asked both Dems and Reps. for teaching materials?

Obob said...

Good point and I did, and the libretarians including the indy Ralph Nader were provided to the kids, I called many people many times and even had kids do research on various other parties during the election. Thanks for the reply and reading my humble blog.