My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

22 February, 2005

Random Thoughts

  • watching Sen. Joe Biden (D) Del talk tough and act like a hawk, tells me he is so running for the 08 ticket behind Hillary. She has been working on her defense image by being on the Armed Services Comm. But Biden is a jerk so he won't win. People will not elect someone they don't like.
  • didn't Biden plagarize speeches in 88?
  • Do you think Hillary gets any of the referernces in the song, "A New York State of Mind?"
  • way to go to neo-nazis in Germany for protesting the bombing of Dresen 60 years ago. To bad we couldn't of had a renactment by theUSAF and RAF at that time also. And the London Blitz was an example of poor aiming by the Luf., ingrates.
  • may Hunter S. Tompson rest in peace, and may there be gallons of scotch waiting.
  • to the sickos who prey on children online, the cops will get you.
  • Aaron Rodgers of Cal owes Leinhart a couple cases of beer and a car for not going in the draft this year. On the other hand, he will be playing in San Fran, so maybe Leinhart owes him an apology.
  • looking back at things, it could be worse, Kerry could have won. Really, that may keep me up tonight. No really, are you aware Gore could have won. By the way dems, drop the whining in Florida and Ohio, you got beat, move on, get a real plan together. But do not think the Republicans are not putting the midterm elections in ind already.
  • Keep your eye on the war in Coloumbia, it is going to get really ugly soon. And watch Iraq, I predict some thing major this week, a capture of the Z-man.

15 February, 2005

Get Rid of the Speed Bump

In a few years, half of my old neighborhood will be a drainage ditch for a "thrilling" and "necessary" 31 Corridor. The strech that will level the Buena Vista and half of Far Hills neighborhoods in Westfield, Indiana will be gone. Just so some whinny communters from Kokomo can get to Indy that much faster because of the traffic. Obviously they have never been on the Dan Ryan in Chicago on Friday at 5 pm. If there is anything that will slow down traffic or the ability to move trade and commerce to northern Indiana, it is obimination that is the experssway through Kokomo. But apparently ol' Dan Burton isn't powerful enough, or doesn't care for a few constiuents. Better yet, how about the growing community of Westfield whose high property taxes are a direct reason we had to choose a house in another town. By asking the businesses, I rephrase, enforcing the public domain clause, Westfield will fall farther behind Carmel and Noblesville. They then will have to offer larger tax breaks to encourage businesses to invest into the fine community once known as Qukertown. I believe you are educated or smart enough to do the math.

So when the whinny commuters complain about a couple traffic lights, think about losing your playground as a child so your commute is a little easier, ingrate.

11 February, 2005

Dean Will Hurt the Demos

The spin coming from Democratic operatives from Flava to officeholders is denial. Denial that in time he will implode and take the party with him. Dean has a tragic flaw, ego.
  1. Terrell Owens has the humility of a Tibetan monk in comparison. The man enjoys talking enough he will draw attention away from the candidates he is trying to support and develop. His job to raise money, he will do well in the grassroots and Hollywood. It is also to geteh message out. Dean will do this to often and bring the attention on himself.
  2. The incessant chatter he will provide will eventually come to haunt him. He has that smirk of I am better than you and I will let you know. The legendary scream to his arrogant "I'm-from-a-state-that-if-we-don't'-get-our-way, we-will-jeopardize-the-maple-syrup-and-valentine-Teddy-bear-supply" attitude. He reminds me of the student council wannabe who could never figure why nobody likes him enough to elect him. Sure he had a great core of supporters, but he fails in the big picture.

The Democrats dropped the ball when they had opportunities to bring in Midwestern leadership.