My original blog after it has been cleaned up a bit. Not that this groundbreaking work, but I found some old posts, photos and clips that I may reuse.

30 March, 2006


one of my alltime favorite actors, some great pictures

27 March, 2006

from the hand of God to the butt of jokes

Imagine going from scoring one of the most infamous goals in World Cup history verses the Brits ...

To be being a coked out freak with the tattoo of a dead commie on your arm
Ladies and Gentlemen, diego maradona!

Did you know this jackass supports hugo chavez of Venezuela?

19 March, 2006

Kinda bored

on the verge of an angry rant, so I let terry tate, office linebacker express my feelings

16 March, 2006


Since my boy was born, I have looked foward to my favorite spring activity with a newborn, not eating them as my students my swear. But placing one of my baby sized kids on my chest and falling asleep wwatching Cubs games. Yes CPS may come to my house for allowing my children to grow up Cubs fans, but at least they will never like the pack.
Looking at the Sun Times this morning, the Cubs have another "prospect." A kid names named Felix Pie. Comments made:
Cubs veteran Juan Pierre has seen enough of Pie, 21.
''If he was 30 years old, I would still be impressed,'' said Pierre, whose
contract expires after this season, meaning he might be keeping a spot warm in
center field for Pie. ''He's just one of those kids who has that instinct.
Everybody sees it and knows he is going to be special. It's just a matter of him
being consistent and being able to bring those five tools to the game every
night. And he can. He will be a superstar in the league.''
Pie (pronounced
Pee-ay) is the future for the Cubs. He has speed, he has power, he can hit for
average, he can field his position and he has an arm that makes grizzled
baseball men such as Von Joshua drop their jaws in disbelief.

And from Bill Mitchell's Minor League Report:
At 6-2 and 165 pounds, Pie's body will undoubtedly fill out as he matures.
Martinez concurred, stating, "He's a very strong kid. He looks thin, but I know
he's going to put on 10 to 20 pounds and he's going to still run."
Natural skills, good baseball instincts, self-confidence, physical ability ... Pie has
all of the necessary skills. Yet, this wise, five-tool talent knows what he
needs to do to continue his success in baseball.

Now if the Invalid Twins could stay healthy, we could make a run.

11 March, 2006

Slobo ... dead

Well, Hell just picked up another resident. I hope satan has a healthy lesson plan for him. But tragically, he seemed to be an agent of the evil one. I like this description of the tyrant, thanks to of all places, :
One of these little Hitlers had the funny name of Slobodan Milosevic, which
seems like it ought to be a vaudevillian evil landlord. In actuality, he was
indeed an evil landlord; he just wasn't very funny. (But then, neither was